Thursday, March 22, 2007

What books or things do you get your inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from all over. My favorite books are: The Artist's Way, The Vein of Gold, & Pencil Dancing. I also love to visit the Tara Leigh website. She has a lot of great creative things there. So far the magazines that I like to check out are Papercrafts, Simple Scrapbooks and Creative Keepsakes. I am always searching for new ideas.

I also love to read inspirational books. Right now I am reading The Secret. It's about the law of attraction and your thoughts create your reality. I am a big believer in this. I am finding this book very inspiring. I also love to read Joel Olsteen's book.

Do any of you have any books that you recommend? Creative or inspirtional?


Tammy said...

Hi Tracy! Welcome to the blogging world - I'm glad you found Create a Connection - it's a great place to meet like-minded bloggers!!


Kiandra said...

hi, i found you on create a connection and instantly...a connection! i love inspirational books. i saw the first "conversation" on "the secret" on larry king back in nov. and was instantly hooked. i haven't got the book yet, however, i found out about the book, the success principles by jack canfield in researching all the authors. it is such a inspirational and motivating book...i found that everytime i was creating success in my life, i was using (unknowingly) his principles. i reccommend it to everyone now.
welcome to the blogging world...from another newbie