Friday, March 23, 2007

Snowy Owls and other thoughts

Yesterday in one of the local papers we saw an article about Snowy Owls in the area. So last night we went for a ride to see if we could find them. We didn't see any owls but we did see lots of Sandhill cranes, geese, a muskrat, and some pheasants. We plan to try finding the owls again tonight. According to the article you don't always see them, but they are around.

Tomorrow is my nephew's 1st birthday party. He is such a little cutie and his aunt just loves to spoil him!! :-) I am working on a picture collage of him through the first year. I still have a lot to do on it, but it should be done tonight.

Being a "creative nut" I thought it was so cool to find some light mystery books that were centered around a scrapbook store. They are by Laura Childs and they are really cute. Whenever she mentions that her character is working on a project, I find that I can picture what she is working on and it inspires me to try something else. The mysteries are light, but very entertaining I find.

2 weeks ago I was stuck at home and not able to do much so I spent the whole weekend watching HGTV, DIY, and TLC. Of course they were all decorating, organizing and craft shows! I have so many ideas for our new house. I plan to use Sunday to put some of the organizing ideas into effect. On Monday I am going over to the St. Vincent De Paul store to see what fun thrifty items I can find to decorate and craft with. They also have some of the best furniture deals and we are in desperate need of book shelves for all of our books. Bryon and I have a HUGE collection of books! I just love to go to thrift stores because you just never know what you might find. A few weeks ago when we first looked at the house that we bought, we went into a thrift store in Neenah and I saw the most wonderful piece of furniture that would have been great in my craft room. It was a huge item (kind of like a dry sink with a hutch to it-that's not the best way to describe it, but I don't know how else to do it). Well, at the time we had no where to put it and no way to get it home if we did. Needless to say the next week when I went back it was gone. Someone else also found my wonderful find!! Well, I figure something better must be out there for me then!! I did find some great old fashioned towels and a tablecloth that were quite cheap. I just love antiques and thrift stuff.

Well, off to work on my nephew's project.

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